Arts & Entertainment

Sculpture by the Sea

Fifteen years on, sticking art by the ocean is still a big deal. This year's exhibition is bringing back some past glories, overseas artists and local entrants for its anniversary, and it's even shifted the whole thing a week later to allow a viewing by our local Danish royals. Which just means you can check it all the better, as later sunsets drag further and further in the realm of a doable after work adventure. Programs on sale benefit the ongoings of the festival, or you can choose to wander among the art in ignorance. Seeing it all splayed against the skyline, amongst mysterious names and the tide of fellow art lovers, it'll be hard not to find yourself lost in the art with all the extra feeling that comes with an infinity of sea.
By Zacha Rosen
October 31, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011 - Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thursday, November 3 - Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bondi to Bronte Coast Walk

Hunter Park, Bondi

With Outpost running in parallel with this year's Bondi to Tamarama coastal art fest, the idea of art by the waves has become a Sydney institution. This is Sculpture by the Sea's fifteenth year, after its inaugural one day show in 1997. This year's exhibition is bringing back some past glories, overseas artists and local entrants for its anniversary, and it's even shifted the whole thing a week later to allow a viewing by our local Danish royals. Which just means you can check it all the better, as later sunsets drag further and further in the realm of a doable after work adventure.

This year's artists include Chinese stars Chen Wenling and Wang Shugang, locals like Tomas Misura and Ken Unsworth, along with most of the artists from the inaugural 1997 show. Programs on sale benefit the ongoings of the festival, or you can choose to wander among the art in ignorance. Seeing it all splayed against the skyline, amongst mysterious names and the tide of fellow art lovers, it'll be hard not to find yourself lost in the art with all the extra feeling that comes with an infinity of sea.

Photo of Tomas Musura's 2010 sculpture 'Splash' by RD Souza.

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