She Rex

She Rex make "the kind of sound that makes rocks roll", and they are playing Oxford Art Factory for free.
Hugh Robertson
Published on August 05, 2013


It's been a couple of big weeks in Sydney with all the Splendour in the Grass sideshows. If you're like me, you're probably reduced to funding your nights out with the spare change down the back of the couch. If that's the case, then a free show will be music to your ears — and Oxford Art Factory have your Saturday nights in August covered thanks to a residency from Sydney band She Rex.

She Rex sounds just like their name suggests — big, swaggering rock and roll with some classic riffs and some serious attitude. But there's more to them than just big, dumb fun. Tracks like 'P.O.W.E.R.' demonstrate some distinctly 'Millennial' influences, metal guitars grinding over the top of M.I.A./Santigold-esque genre-blending hop hop.

The band describe their music as "the kind of sound that makes rocks roll", and if you're smart you'll go see them for free — I get the feeling you'll need to shell out the big bucks to get in the door before too long.

And did I mention they are an all-female ensemble? Riot, grrrrrrls.

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