Slow Blow Halloween

A dance-centric scare-down with a tasty Italian twist.
Hannah Ongley
Published on October 12, 2012


Purveyors of good tunes and fine themes Slow Blow are putting on a Halloween bash at Goodgod this year, so you can tell your other friends not to bother getting their own dwellings trashed.

Decking out the groove den in all thinks dark and twisted and over-ordering on the simmering sounds, this horror fest will be headed up by interminable dance duo Softwar and harmonised with a select few of Goodgod’s besties. These include Roman Wafers from monthly Melbourne party night Bamboo Musik, DJs of Halloween-apropros monikers Dreamcatcher and Junglesnake and the exquisitely ghoulish Valerie Yum.

Everyone’s invited as long they’re dressed to kill (or like their already dead), so be heavyhanded with the faux blood and consider starting Movember early: The theme is horror, but with a tasty Italian twist.


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