Event Sydney

The Rise of AI in Cybersecurity at SXSW Sydney

A reformed hacker and ex-cop will dive into the benefits and challenges of incorporating AI into cybersecurity.
Marley Ng
October 13, 2023

in partnership with Commonwealth Bank


Cybersecurity might not be anyone's Roman Empire, but with a majority of our time spent online, it's highly likely that you or someone you know will eventually be a victim of a cybercrime (if you haven't already). Combine that with an inescapably popular topic of discussion — AI — and you have a complex interplay that's worthy of a Black Mirror episode.

Who better to delve into the double-edged sword of AI in the workplace than Australia's largest financial institution and biggest corporate adopter of AI, Commonwealth Bank? As part of the SXSW Sydney Conference, CommBank will host a discussion on 'The Rise of AI in Cybersecurity' with two fascinating panelists: a reformed hacker and a tenured cop.

Yasmin London and Andrew Pade

CTRL Group Co-Founder Bastien Treptel has a unique, first-hand understanding of the dangers of cybercrime — as a teenager, he hacked into a major ASX 100 company just to order a pizza. Evolving from his unlawful ways, he founded an information security firm and currently hosts the CyberHacker podcast.

Meanwhile, Qoria's Director of Digital Wellbeing, Yasmin London, has experience from the opposing side of the law — she was previously a tenured police officer for over a decade and, before that, a world champion swimmer.

Rounding out the rest of the speakers are CommBank's General Manager of Cyber Defence Operations Andrew Pade, who has over 20 years of experience in cybersecurity, and the CSIRO National AI Centre's Strategic Engagement Manager, Rita Arrigo, who is working on a collaborative network to implement the responsible use of AI in the commercial sector.

'The Rise of AI in Cybersecurity' will be presented by Commonwealth Bank as part of the SXSW Sydney Conference. The panel will take place from 12–1pm on Tuesday, October 17 at the ICC Sydney.



Tue, Oct 17, 2023

Tuesday, October 17, 2023



ICC Sydney
14 Darling Drive


From $1295 (for an Industry Badge)
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