TEDx Sydney 2012

Katie Noonan, robots and an animated corpus bring this year's Sydney ideas fest to life.
By Zacha Rosen
May 07, 2012

Sat, May 26, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012



245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh

It's a big year for TEDxSydney this year. But, then again, it's always a big year for our local offshoot from the the global ideas-fest TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design). TEDxSydney is in its third year of bringing thinkers and listeners together on and near the Carriageworks' knee-toughening floors. It comes, as usual, in three parts: a cavalcade of awesome, expert and/or entertaining speakers, an audience of interesting, rich and/or powerful people paying to sit in the the main auditorium and the public at large outside, looking in.

To facilitate that last role the Carriageworks' cavernous foyer is offering a simulcast of events live from inside the auditorium, giant bean bags and a character-building environment for your knees. This years'speakers include corpus-animating linguist Kate Burridge, shipping container roboticist Hugh Durrant-Whyte and World Herbivorist Angela Moles, not to mention music from the likes of part-time Whitlam Tim Freedman, the Stiff Gins and Katie Noonan.

If you can't make on the day, check out our coverage on Twitter and follow along on the live stream on YouTube. Image by Daniel Boud.

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