Event Newstead

The Diva’s Wardrobe

Second-hand shopping can be a total pain in the glutes sometimes, especially if you’re searching for designer gold.
Kirstie Sequitin
May 20, 2011


Second-hand shopping can be a total pain in the glutes sometimes, especially if you’re searching for designer gold. It’s a process – you have to size up the kilometres of clothing racks or, if you’re not so lucky, dive into mountains of material, 99.99% of which is overpriced crapola. It makes finding that rusted, falling apart Yves Saint Laurent belt buckle feel like the biggest triumph in the world, but hey - it’s going to fall apart within a couple of hours, which is only half the time it took you to find it in the first place. Wow, I’m bitter. But really, is there no hope…? Wait, what? There is light at the end of the tunnel?

Yes, there is hope/light, and it comes in the form of The Diva’s Wardrobe.  It’s a genius concept really – a one-day sale where ALL of the clothing, shoes and accessories on sale are sourced by Brisbane’s top fashion insiders – this means stylists, boutique owners and the like will be pelting their vintage and designer wares on the day. Actual vintage, actual designer! There’s an entry fee, but I think ten bucks is a light price to pay for a day of shopping that doesn’t involve you getting in a fight with the clothing rack.



Sun, May 22, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011



Waterloo Hotel
Corner Ann St and Commercial Road


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