The Invisible Hand

Haymarket's 4A gallery explores the threat of technology and cyber connectivity.
Emma-Kate Wilson
Published on July 01, 2019


This winter, 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art is bringing together five artists to explore both our fascination and relationship with technology, but also the concerns of a world depended on this uncontrollable — and all-seeing — force. 

In The Invisible Hand, artists Simon Denny, Exonemo, Sunwoo Hoon, Mijoon Pak and Baden Pailthorpe will pose questions and alternative concepts to our current digital landscape. With artists from Australia, New Zealand, Korea and Japan, they will explore what this interconnectedness, reliability and data collection could mean for the East Asia region.

The curators and gallery have put together a series of public programs that aim to challenge and expand on these ideas, including one of the gallery's congee breakfast gallery walkthroughs, which will take place on Saturday, July 20. 


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