Thread: A Photographic Exhibition

Fashion and photography go together like wine and cheese; in both combinations there is a balancing act. These two have achieved an unpretentious, thoughtful harmony that is well worth a look.
Daniel Voysey
Published on November 01, 2010


The more I read about it the more the patriotic Sydney native in me wanted not to like this project. Melbourne designer collaborates with Melbourne photographer for exhibition in Sydney. We don't like to be told how to do things up here. Sadly that is as negative as I can be because the clothes and images are a subtle yet undeniable pleasure to behold.

The exhibition is comprised of a series of intimate and honest portraits. Stark visions of subjects handpicked from various walks of life. A model, an indigenous activist, a musician and a sculptor among others, each invited to "offer their own physical or emotional response to the clothing".

Mia Mala McDonald is the photographer and Skinny Nelson the label. Through photography Mia McDonald clicks and drags over the forgotten details of life and presses APPLE (or CTRL) +B on her keyboard of artistic expression to embolden the discarded beauty of the world. Jacqui Alexander, designer for Skinny Nelson, who might be a case for DOCS, began her fashion education at age six. While my childhood was ticking away at a nearby Timezone arcade, Alexander's father was equipping her with the knowledge of pattern making and garment construction. By 18 Alexander was something of a veteran and Skinny Nelson was to become be the vehicle for her creative direction.

Fashion and photography go together like wine and cheese; in both combinations there is a balancing act and the sum is reliant not just on the individual components but how well they sit together. These two have achieved an unpretentious, thoughtful harmony that is well worth a look.


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