Event Centennial Park

Tropfest 2014

Short film's big day out is back with a new signature item.
Jasmine Crittenden
December 01, 2014


A butler who’d make the Fawlty Towers crew look competent, a bride who bolts and couch potatoes who can’t stop thinking about pizza are just some of the characters that have been inspired by this year’s Tropfest signature item: 'Mirror'. To be screened on Sunday, December 7, in Centennial Park, the 16 short films that have made the finals are promising the funniest, craziest and most bizarre program we’ve seen yet. And that’s saying something; Tropfest isn’t exactly known for being run-of-the-mill.

The films will kick off at 7.30pm, as the sun’s disappearing, but you’d do well to head in earlier, not only to stake your claim over a patch of grass but also to check out the introductory live music, which starts at 5pm. Scheduled acts include foot-stomping, folk duo Pierce Brothers; psychedelic sampler Ego, who mixes music with video art; soul-influenced, teenaged singer-songwriter Thelma Plum; and creative electronica whiz Elizabeth Rose.

Alternatively, make an entire, festivalised day of it by arriving when the gates open at 11am. Daylight hours are more focused on family fun, with the screening of the world’s biggest short film festival for kids and by kids, Trop Jr, as well as mini golf, kite flying, a flower wall set up by Moonlight Cinema, an interactive art installation from SBS 2, Cirque du Soleil’s Totem Turtle and more.


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