LBF is premiering at the MCA as part of VCS! Too exciting for full words! Too habituated to abbreviating events into hashtags! Not content with the Opera House and the outdoors of Circular Quay, the go-getting Vivid Creative Sydney is taking over the Museum of Contemporary Art for a weekend. As well as talks and workshops on careers in and the state of the arts in Sydney there's film, music and a late-night tour of the gallery. And it's all local content.
To break it down: the movie, co-presented by the Sydney Film Festival, stars Toby Schmitz and Gracie Otto. It's full title has a rude word in it, and it features lots of bands, some of whom will play a showcase afterward. The all-round adorable roster of Broken Stone Records will also be playing a showcase, but at a different time to the other one. Insiders will give you scoops and advice on stuff. And art in the dark? You will get educated while maybe also feeling like a looter. Hands off Michael Stevenson's gold bricks though, for real.