Arts & Entertainment


Art duo Ms & Mr give the late Philip K Dick a taste of his own medicine.
By Zacha Rosen
December 05, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011 - Sunday, February 5, 2012

Thursday, December 8, 2011 - Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sci fi author Philip K Dick died in 1982. A few months later, Blade Runner became the first of  his reality-bent worlds to make it to the big screen. He'd left a lot behind him: his books, a trove of stories soon turned into movies and a pretty big family as well. Most in the public eye these days are his daughters Laura Dick Coelho and Isa Dick Hackett, who run a Michel Gondry-friendly production company for Dick's work. But also engaging with his legacy is Tessa B Dick, his fifth wife. For Ms & Mr's new video installation XEROX MISSIVE 1977/2011, Tessa cuts across time to share the screen with her late husband.

Ms & Mr (Stephanie & Richard nova Milne) are no strangers to remixing lost moments, regularly raiding their home videos to create eerie intrusions into the past by their present digital selves. For XEROX MISSIVE an interview with a 2011 Tessa B gets dropped into a 1977 speech by Philp K, creating a new conversation thirty four years in the making. Rotoscoping their will into Dick's 1977 life, Ms & Mr will remember it for you now, just as it never happened.

Still from XEROX MISSIVE 1977/2011 by Ms & Mr.

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