News Food & Drink

The World's First Garlic Bread Appreciation Conference Is Coming to Australia

Because some people aim for the stars.
Shannon Connellan
October 22, 2015


Turns out eating an entire two sticks of buttery, bready garlic bread from the freezer section doesn't count as an 'appreciation conference', because one Melburnian is making this actual event happen. Garlic bread aficionado and straight-up boss Baxter Kirk is putting on the world's very first Garlic Bread Appreciation Conference in Melbourne.

Set to descend upon the MCG (yep, the giant, giant MCG) on Friday, January 15 at the strange time of 3.07am, the conference will "discuss the underrated garlic bread," according to the Facebook event. With 47,000+ people supposedly 'attending' the event, this could be the biggest celebration of garlic breadery the world has ever seen.

Whether this conference is real or a beautiful, beautiful troll, we'll be raising a glass of cheap cola to that beloved buttery, buttery side anyway, before, during and after the event.

Via Pedestrian. Image: Dollar Photo Club.