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Sydney's Pooches Might Soon be Permitted on Public Transport

Transport for NSW might be swayed by a new study, which shows that 95 percent of owners want to take their pets on trains and buses.
Libby Curran
November 05, 2017


Ever wished your pup could jump on the train with you? Well, you're not alone. In news that is not really that shocking, a recent study shows that a whopping 95 percent of Sydney dog owners support a law change to allow pooches on public transport.

Over 1250 dog parents were surveyed for the University of Sydney study — named Riding with dogs in cars: what can it teach us about transport practices and policy? — which clocked the number of dog-related car trips in Sydney alone at about 2.4 million each week.

Researchers Jennifer Kent and Corinne Mulley found that number would drop drastically if dogs were allowed onto trains, buses, trams and ferries, resulting in fewer cars on the road and improved social connectivity.

Currently, animals are only allowed on light rail, ferry and bus services if they're in a box or carrier, and assistance animals are the only ones permitted on Sydney Trains. But a Transport for NSW spokesman told The Sydney Morning Herald the authority was currently looking into policies of other cities where pets are allowed on public transport, which could mean we'll see changes to our own laws. Fingers crossed a train carriage full of dogs is soon a reality. In the meantime, check out our list of dog-friendly pubs and Sydney's best dog parks.

Via The Sydney Morning Herald.