Pho Pasteur
You will not find a finer pho this close to the CBD.
Venues serving up Vietnamese soup are not exactly few and far between in Sydney. But as any regular soup slurper would know, there is pho and then there is pho. And Pho Pasteur definitely falls into the latter category; the type of pho that leaves both bellies and souls satisfied. This Chinatown eatery is definitely not skimping on options; there are over ten pho varieties plus a selection of other soup and dry noodle dishes. The broth is the complex balance of sweet, savoury and salty that would be impossible to mimic at home, particularly for the price. If you want to branch out, the menu does expand out to feature the finest of Vietnamese cuisine including stir-fries, grilled skewered meats and rice paper rolls. The dining room is tightly packed and constantly bustling which adds to the authentic vibe.
Images: Kitti Smallbone