Food & Drink

Cedar Creek Cider

Cider from the foothills of the southern highlands.
By Sarah Ward
August 07, 2020
269 Mulhollands Road, Thirlmere
Cider from the foothills of the southern highlands.

Apple juice is nice. Delicious, in fact. But sometimes, it tastes better with an edge. Yes, that's what cider is all about — and at Cedar Creek Cider in the foothills of New South Wales' southern highlands, both non-alcoholic drinks and the hard stuff are on the menu.

Making cider is actually a relatively new development for this fourth-generation orchard; however owner Nathan Silm is able to draw upon his family's decades of experience making juice. The result: a combination of fresh crushed apples and yeast, with no added water, flavours or colours, and each batch boasting its own specific traits.

Cedar Creek Cider sells its eponymous product in four, six and 24 packs via its online store — and you can also pick up some Cedar Creek Orchard Apple Juice while you're there.