Things to Do Mount Colah

Resolute Beach

A secluded beach in Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park.
Kosa Monteith
January 22, 2021


Love the beach but hate the crowds? Resolute Beach is your new sneaky fave. A drive through Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park and a short bushwalk rewards you with a mostly tourist-free taste of beach paradise. Park at the picnic ground and take the Resolute Loop Trail. You'll walk an easy two kilometres through bushland before the path descends, the trees break and there you see it: golden sands and emerald-sapphire waters stretching out to Barrenjoey Headland and the ocean beyond. Calm swells make for a perfect relaxed beach swim. As the only other way to reach this cove is by boat, it's a rare piece of unspoiled beauty. You can head straight back afterward, or carry on the loop track to West Head Lookout for more epic scenery.

Image: Andrew Gregory, Destination NSW




Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
Bobbin Head Road
Mount Colah
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