The 5th annual Mo-Hunt fundraiser is a CBD-wide scavenger hunt for points, glory and prizes. You do not need to grow a moustache yourself to participate because it's more about finding them than wearing them. Teams of up to four will compete against each other and the clock to see who are the best mo-hunters in the land. The clues will take you on a whirlwind trip through some of the most iconic (or should that be ironic) sites of Auckland.
Plans for this year’s event:
Duration: 12pm -5pm (start mingling at 11am as the hunt begins at 12pm sharp)
Beneficiaries: Movember Foundation
Loot: Each mo-hunter will receive a limited edition event t-shirt and a complimentary beverage from Sale St on their safe return. Each team gets a pizza when they hand in their answer pack. As well as hugs and high fives from the organisers and other competitors.
Equipment required: Digital Camera, plenty of energy and a keen eye and mind. Access to Twitter is beneficial.
Follow the event here.
Sat, Nov 17, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sale Street7 Sale Street
Event Type