Alien Weaponry

Blast beats and heavy riffs mingle with te reo Māori.
Kate Powell
Published on May 28, 2018


Signed to Napalm Records and earmarked as "one of the most exciting young metal bands in the world right now" by Revolver Magazine, Alien Weaponry seem to be an unstoppable force within international metal.

These three teenagers from Waipu have made a name for themselves by merging blast beats and heavy riffs with te reo and te ao Māori. It has struck a chord across the world, with their video for 'Rū Ana Te Whenua' clocking 150,000 views on YouTube, two weeks at pole position on Spotify's NZ Viral Chart and number two on the iTunes Global Metal Chart.

Now they're celebrating the release of their debut album with their only all ages performance in New Zealand before they head off to Europe to hit some of metals biggest festivals.

Image: Maryanne Bilham.

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