Event Auckland

Conversations in Mind

A multidimensional collaborative artwork highlighting current social issues.
Lara Thomas
March 04, 2013


Conversations in Mind is the latest colourful addition to Queens Wharf; a multidimensional collaborative artwork highlighting current social issues.

Inspired by WJ Norton Jr, author of Modern Art & Social Responsibility, who spoke of an artist's obligation to society, the project grew out of a desire to promote social consciousness and awareness of issues such as isolation and disconnection with nature. Through Conversations in Mind, the artists hope to add colour and life to the wharf, engaging public and generating interest in the community and wider social issues.

The temporary installation features work from leading and emerging contemporary artists, including Tiffany Singh, Flox, Matt Dowman, Nigel Roberts and Claire Cowan. Artforms include installation art, photography, moving image, musical compositions, painting and murals.

Conversations in Mind provides an opportunity to engage with daily installations and workshops, and special performances throughout the month.



Tuesday, February 26, 2013 - Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tuesday, February 26 - Saturday, March 23, 2013


Queen's Wharf, Auckland
99 Quay Street


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