Arts & Entertainment

Crap Music Rave

An intimate and dank social gathering.
By Stephen Heard
October 21, 2016

Wed, Nov 23, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016



17 Galatos Street, Newton
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It dropped by earlier this year and conquered the dance floor with horrid abominations that some people call songs. It also accidentally cultivated something called a 'sex pit'. And now to help us laugh at the musical hiccups of others, and ourselves while we have a darn good time dancing to them, the ridiculous Crap Music Rave is back.

The rave was started by the self-proclaimed "worst DJ in the world", Tomás Ford. If you didn't gather by the title or have the pleasure of attending the last one, here's how it goes down. No good music is allowed. All requests are welcome, so long as they're crap. Think: Limp Bizkit, rap-rock in general, Savage Garden, Gangnam Style, Uncle Kracker, Robin Thicke, Crazy Frog, and so on.

It's not just the brilliantly awful music that makes it a good/awful night; it's the full spectacle including DIY rave video projections, balloons, hardware store disco lights, glowsticks and Tomás' hyperactive DJ antics.

Tomas returns to New Zealand for three raves this November following a run at the Edinburgh Fringe. It hits Auckland's Galatos on November 23.

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