Win Tickets to See Good Vibrations

A scrappily loveable ode to the energy and abandon of punk rock.
Daniel Herborn
Published on June 03, 2014

Before the division, Terry Hooley (Richard Dormer) was a popular man. But then his native Belfast bitterly split along sectarian lines, leaving the gregarious but staunchly apolitical Hooley to his own devices. He's DJing to nobody at a sad bar surrounded by barbed wire and run by the baleful Pat (Dylan Moran) when he finds a kindred soul in outsider Ruth (Jodie Whittaker).

Emboldened by the support of Ruth, Dooley then decides on a whim that what his ailing city needs is a record store and he borrows over his head to set up the shop on a street famously known as the most bombed in Europe. Despite its perilous location, Hooley's boundless enthusiasm for the soothing power of music proves infectious and he watches in delight as it becomes a real cultural hub, quickly expanding into a record label as the city's burgeoning punk scene sparks into life.

It's hard to think of another film which captures the fervour of discovery of music as thrillingly as Good Vibrations. You'll be won over by this scrappily loveable ode to the energy and abandon of punk rock.

Read our full review here. Good Vibrations is in cinemas on June 12, and thanks to Curious Distribution, we have ten double in-season passes to give away. To be in the running, subscribe to the Concrete Playground newsletter (if you haven't already), then email us with your name and address.

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Published on June 03, 2014 by Daniel Herborn
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