Get Euphoric Over Morning Harvey’s New Single

We chat to frontman Spencer White.
James Frostick
Published on March 31, 2014

Have you been looking for some music to get lost to? Not in a mean sense, more like to lose yourself in; to submerge yourself within an all encompassing sound and to lose yourself between the sonic waves — that sort of thing. If the answer is yes, then listen to this.

"That's really good!", I hear you say. "I know!", I reply. That is the new single from Brisbane band Morning Harvey. These lads have been producing some solid music for a few years now, and they have just returned after a brief absence from the scene to drop 'Girl Euphoria (Come Back To Me)'. As you might have heard, this is a song full of lush arrangements and some superb sonic soundscapes — which is Morning Harvey's calling card.

In addition to dropping this beauty of a song in our laps, the band have announced a small East Coast tour to support it. We spoke to frontman Spencer White about the single, how it came to be and what is coming next.

Morning Harvey have been playing for a couple of years now; how have you guys grown stylistically and musically from 2013's Well For Wishes EP?

We now dress well and Jimmy has overcome his fear of heights.

Now everyone pretty much devotes each day to writing and is generally feeding off one another's ideas. So I guess it's become more and more creative within the songwriting process. Our EP was a lot darker than the stuff we're producing now but I think generally, writing changes depending on your mood and where your mind state is during that time. Hah, that sounds pretty deep…

Tell us more about the single! What was the inspiration behind it?

The song started from a loop that Jimmy and I had come up with one day and just left it playing over and over again while we walked around the house until we came up with the chorus. I couldn't really say what the song was about; it's probably a touch risque. I'd probably say listen to the lyrics and make your own assumption.

I hear you guys went for self production on this release, rather than sending it to another party. Why was that, and how was the process? Is it something that you will continue in the future?

If you don't really have the money to spend a decent amount of time in studios, then it's probably not worth doing so. I think it gets kind of stressful and nutty if your time is limited. It started to become really exciting for us to start recording everything ourselves and seeing how it turned out. Most of our friends are doing the same thing, so there's always help if something goes wrong or we need extra ears to listen.

'Girl Euphoria' is being listed as a stand-alone single. Any thoughts on what you guys will do next?

We wanted to give everyone a look at what we've been creating and a feel of what's next. What's next? We're announcing that very shortly.

About that whirlwind tour, what can audiences expect from a Morning Harvey live show?

Have you ever watched GG Allin live?

Morning Harvey has a few members that also play in other bands, so you all probably have a good feel for the scene. Tell us what is great about Brisbane music right now.

There seems to be so much going on in Brisbane at the moment. Honestly I can't say I've been listening to much besides our circle of buddies. We have a pretty tight-knit group of friends. It's always great to hear what everyone is writing, I think it keeps all of us constantly on our toes.

What bands would you recommend to someone wanting to experience good Brisbane music?

Moses Gunn Collective, the furrs, The Belligerents, The Jungle Giants, Millions etc.

Where are your favourite places to eat, drink and hang out in Brisbane?

Besides our house, I guess The End (West End) is a great bar to drink at. Makanan Indonesian (West End) Trang Vietnamese (also West End) are staples in my diet.

The Morning Harvey East Cast tour dates are as follows:

Saturday, April 5 | Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane w/ Salvadarlings  (Free Entry)

Thursday, April 10 | Brighton Up Bar, Sydney w/ The Jones Rival & Dead Radio ($5 on the door)

Friday, April 18 | The Alia Arthouse, Melbourne w/ The Citradels & The New Pollution ($5 on the door)

Published on March 31, 2014 by James Frostick
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