Blue Bones - Playlab

A true story of romance and trouble becomes a stunning one-woman play.
Sarah Ward
Published on April 30, 2017


Move over, all of those famous teenage sweethearts that have graced the stage, page and screen. Yep, Romeo and Juliet, you've got competition. Blue Bones shares the darker tone of Shakespeare's famous tragedy, and its focus on teenage lovers; however, from there, Merlynn Tong heads off in her own direction.

Her one-woman play is based on a true story, telling the tale of a woman who can't escape the imprint her ex-boyfriend has left upon her. It's a narrative of turbulence, both in conveying the lead character's current state, and exploring how she got there.

Showing at Brisbane Powerhouse from May 4 to 13, it's an effort that will transport Brisbane audiences to Singapore in its setting, but aims to stir up something up close and personal within their souls. Tong has earned plenty of praise in her career to date, and here, both writing and performing, that looks set to continue.


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