Night of 1000 Axes

Hurl some hatchets this Halloween — and watch out for zombies.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 29, 2019


They're a horror movie staple, as seen in everything from The Shining to Friday the 13th to Mandy. They're also what the folks at Maniax happen to specialise in. So when October 31 rolls around, throwing a hatchet-hurling Halloween shindig just seems like the natural thing to do.

At the axe-throwing venue's Night of 1000 Axes event, you'll fling sharp weapons at a target in a safe and controlled environment — and, to suit the occasion, there'll also be zombie attacks. If you're wondering just what the undead action will entail, you'll find out at the party; however if you're easily spooked, scared, startled or frightened, Maniax warns that this mightn't be your night.

Dressing up is encouraged, with free passes on offer for the best costumes. The theme: apocalyptic, obviously.

Night of 1000 Axes runs as part of Maniax's regular small group sessions, which kick off at 7.30pm. Tickets cost $50 per person — and hatchet-hurling Brisbanites can even combine their weapon-flinging antics with up to three beers or ciders, because the outfit's Newstead venue is licensed.

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