Silk and Grit

An exhibition of black and white photography capturing the best and worst of the Aussie hospitality scene at Bulletin Place.
Leisha Kapor
Published on February 14, 2020


Anyone that's done time in the service industry will understand what we mean when we say it can be intoxicating — and not just because of how many free bevs you consume. ACT-based photographer Lucy Pallett-Jones has been on a mission to capture the good, the bad and the dirty of the hospitality life in a series she's dubbed Silk and Grit.

The exhibition will take over Bulletin Place on Sunday, March 22, giving you one night only to explore the world of Australia's bartenders in a gallery space fitting for the topic at hand.

Images in the exhibition were captured on film over a year — from behind, in front and on top of some of Australia's most beloved bars. Sydney's Cantina OK!, PS40 and Ramblin' Rascal feature, as do Melbourne's Heartbreaker and Brisbane laneway bar Death and Taxes.

Award-winning bartender Alex Gondzioulis will create a special menu for the night, too, exploring themes from the exhibition.

The event runs from 6–9pm and is free to poke your head into, but it's recommended you RSVP here.

Images: Lucy Pallett-Jones.


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