Get Those Crazy Tella Ball Milkshakes Free and Delivered to Your Desk

In a very Uber-like move, ASAP deliver those doughnut ball shakes straight to your mouth.
Tom Clift
Published on September 18, 2015

Remember a couple of weeks back, when the internet collectively lost its shit over the existence of that mind-blowing Nutella doughnut milkshake? You know, the one that looks like a massive coronary waiting to happen, but who cares because after drinking it you can basically just die happy then and there? You do, huh? Well how would you like to get a free one delivered directly to your desk? For free? Free.

Probably taking cues from Uber's kitten/Messina/pure joy delivery stunts, the mad, Nutella-loving geniuses at Erskineville's Foodcraft Espresso — from whose blessed milkshake mixer the Tella Ball Milkshake first sprung — have teamed up with text message concierge service ASAP for a one-day promotion that no self-respecting dentist could possibly have signed-off on. The long and short of it: 150 thirsty folk in the Sydney CBD are about to be very, very happy.

Details of the giveaway will go live on the ASAP Facebook page sometime later today — at which point the first 150 people to tag three of their friends and text their preferred delivery address to 0409 777 917 will be locked in for an injection of sweet, sugary goodness. From there, all that's left to do is count down the minutes until next Thursday, when the ASAP team will start ferrying their precious cargo across town.

As it happens, ASAP don't just deliver ridiculous milkshakes. You can text these guys for just about anything — they're basically a Yellow Pages combined with a tiny butler who lives in your phone. They only operate in Sydney right now, although there are apparently plans to expand to Melbourne in the near future. Not that'll be much comfort next Thursday when Sydneysiders are literally drinking Nutella through a straw.

For more details about how you can snag yourself a free Tella Ball Milkshake, keep your eyes glued to the ASAP Facebook page.

Published on September 18, 2015 by Tom Clift
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