Brisbane Is About to Become the Home of The Big Doughnut
Brisbane City Council has plans for a five-storey monument to the city's beloved hol(e)y baked good.
If Nambour can have a big pineapple, Bundaberg a big rum bottle and Bowen a big mango, then Queensland's capital can have a large likeness of the item that really has become nearest and dearest to its citizens — or to their stomachs, at least.
"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" isn't just advice your mum doled out when you were at school. It's also Brisbane's new motto when it comes to the food craze we can't get enough of. Yes, we're talking about doughnuts. What else?
With every corner of town seemingly selling the fried, glazed morsels (often pumped full of devilishly gooey fillings, and coloured so brightly that you can probably spot them from space), Brisbane City Council has finally decided that they may as well embrace the trend. In doing so, they're adding another landmark to the cityscape — and it'll definitely be big, probably a bit awkward looking, most likely made of fibreglass, and will certainly attract tourists, inspire merchandise, and feature in way too many selfies. Prepare to say hello to Brisbane's brand new giant doughnut monument.
King George Square is the current preferred site for this Springfield-like monument to doughy desserts, because building it in the actual Brisbane suburb of Springfield would be way too obvious. The CBD location would ensure that that massive round object also serves another very important purpose: casting some shade over the area's sun-drenched, so-hot-you-could-cook-a-doughnut-on-it pavement. Soon, you'll be hanging out in the inner-city space, meeting your mates in the statue's shadow, and presumably feasting on as many cinnamon-coated snacks as you can consume. Those'll be the days.
That's just the beginning of the colossal sweet treat trend, though — consider it the Brisbane City Council dipping a toe in the icing, if you like. If the big doughnut becomes the hit everyone knows it will be, another idea is on the agenda. Fancy soaring over South Bank on a revolving version of the pastry wonder (aka The Wheel of Brisbane repainted and made to look like a giant, rotating doughnut), anyone?

Image: @marina_mendes1984.
Top image: Reddit.