• News

    The Internet War Against Piracy Continues

    Although SOPA and PIPA were withdrawn from Congress last month, it seems that online freedom may still face immense danger in the savage war against piracy.

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    Apple to Unveil iPad 3 on March 7

    You'll have to fight off a hoard of iPad-loving vultures before you can get your hands on Apple's newest edition to the iPad family.

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    Brief Jerky Underwear

    Still looking for that perfect romantic gift to satisfy your lover's expectations this Valentine's Day?

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    What Music Looks Like as an Object

    German artist Martin Klimas endeavours to answer the question: 'what does music look like?'

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    Print Your Own Instagram Poster

    Instagram-obsessed iPhoneographers can now turn their collection of photographs into wall-sized prints, thanks to a clever new website.

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    iHeart’s Multipurpose Eating Utensils

    A clever contraption which can be used as a knife, fork and scoop.

Latest Guides
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    New iPhone App to Control Dreams

    The Yememiru app from Japan uses a microphone to somehow detect when you are in your deepest sleep and most prone to mental influence.

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    The Global Mail: Not-For-Profit News Site Launches

    Launched today, the not-for-profit news and features website will offer its readers public interest stories both locally and from around the globe.

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    Ten Brands That Should Open Shop in Australia

    After the recent explosion of interest in the In-N-Out Burger pop-up store in Sydney, we take a look at the other cult brands we hope hit our shores soon.

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    Nike FuelBand Tracks Your Every Step

    Measure your data, such as steps, calories and distance throughout the day, against other competitors of different body types and skill levels.

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    Rich Neeley’s Book Chargers

    In a delightfully clever combination of old and new, Rich Neeley has been taking actual vintage books and giving them new lives as iPhone chargers.

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    Cufflinks That Double as USB Drives, Wi-Fi Spots

    In what may be the ultimate fusion of practicality and style, Brookstone are now selling cufflinks that offer both Wi-Fi and data storage.

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    3D Printer Makes Cupcake in 60 Seconds

    Most of us associate printers with ink and paper, but a new 3D printer has more to do with chocolate cupcakes and other delicious desserts.

  • News

    Online Community Rallies Against the SOPA & PIPA Proposals

    Here are some of our favourite online reactions to the world's most controversial bills.

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    Ikea Builds Apartment in Paris Train Station

    The Swedish design giants are turning more heads with their latest advertising stunt in France.

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    The Song Map

    This is what the world would look like if you could build a city from your iTunes library.

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    Infrared Trolleys to Hit Australian Supermarkets

    Handling one of these four-wheelers means that choosing your cereal won't be a chore, it will soon become a hobby.

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    The Blackbox Mobile SMS Message Printer

    A nifty little mobile printer that produces your text message conversations on paper.

Latest Events
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    Make Food Not War

    Stage a war in the kitchen and attempt to replicate these deliciously evil masterpieces.

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    Trot Around Your Own Globe

    These do-it-yourself kits allow you to customise your own vintage globe with different travel routes, photos, banners and travel stickers.

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    Joey Andolina’s Mobile Vest Boombox

    Arriving just in time for summer, this vest boombox allows you to show off your fashion prowess while blasting European hardstyle.

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    Create Your Own Personalised Soft Drink

    Online users change the percentages of whatever ingredients they choose to go into the drink, and can further determine the drink's colour, name and label.

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    Bernardo Bajana’s Offensive Police Shield

    Bad news for Occupy protesters: Bernado Bajana has created a new riot shield which does much more than just shield officers.

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    How Happy is Your City?

    A giant emoticon erected above this Bavarian city is set to measure the general mood of the people below.

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    Rooftop Farming in Berlin

    Fish frolicking in beer barrels and a vegetable patch atop an old malt factory in Berlin enjoy the ultimate symbiotic relationship.

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    Fireworks by Day

    A Chinese artist takes modern art to the sky with his daytime fireworks exhibition.

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    Blogger fined $2.5 Million for not Being a Journalist

    An Oregon woman has been fined $2.5 million for defamatory comments made on her blog.

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    Wake Up to the Muppet Crew

    Imagine waking up, and the first thing you saw was this wall decal. There is just no way you could ever start the day in a bad mood.

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    Behringer Unleashes a 350kg Speaker

    If you're looking to host a NYE party, you might want to enlist the help of the iNuke Boom.

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    A Beer Cooler that Doubles as a ‘Photoblocker’

    A product that will soon solve the first-world problems faced by many party animals.

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    Vending Machine for Welcome Home Signs

    Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport Bannerxpress allows people to print welcome home signs from a vending machine at the airport.

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    The World’s Funkiest Contact Lenses

    The Japanese have a particular skill when it comes to making useful objects much more compact and convenient.

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    Cultural Disappearing Acts

    UNESCO has added 'intangible' cultural traditions to the list of the world's endangered phenomena.

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    Air Guitar T-Shirts You Can Actually Play

    Old Navy have collaborated with ThinkGeek to create a shirt that not only features an image of a guitar, but also sounds like one.

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    The World’s First Functional Painting Typewriter

    To the delight of fetishists of redundant technology, an American artist has created a typewriter that paints.

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    Facebook Updates Expanded to Over 60,000 Characters

    Whilst Twitter likes to keep things short and sweet, Facebook has rocketed in the other direction.

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    From Barley to the Bottle in the Heart of the City

    Watch your beer 'grow' from start to finish at this temporary inner city brewery.

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    Aaron Hobson’s Google Street View Photography

    A photographer takes breathtaking landscape photographs of remote locations scattered across the globe, all without leaving the comfort of his own computer screen.

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    The Little Printer

    Little Printer partners with Arup, foursquare, Google, the Guardian and Nike to produce itty bitty newspapers to slip into your back pocket and read on the go.

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    Basil Bangs’ Beautiful Beach Brollies

    Basil Bangs' beautifully designed beach umbrellas will allow you to spend a sensible day at the beach while still looking hip.

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    British Department Store Launches Virtual Pop-Up Stores

    A great example of social media and technology changing the way in which companies are communicating with consumers.

  • News

    The Spirit of Youth Awards Set to Grow in 2011/2012

    With the competition's expansion into unprecedented categories, there are now more opportunities for Australia's finest creative minds to showcase their work to the world.

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