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Lego Forest Sprouts Up in Martin Place

An installation of large-scale Lego trees and flowers has brightened an otherwise grey Martin Place.

Anya Krenicki
April 19, 2012


Perhaps nourished by the torrential rain Sydney has been experiencing, a Lego forest recently sprouted in Martin Place. Featuring big-kid versions of the tiny plastic trees and flower sets we played with as kids, the installation marks the first activity of this year's Lego Festival of Play.

15 of the large-scale tree and flower models dotted the concrete, creating bright splashes of color in our currently dreary grey city. Onlookers didn't let the weather get them down, grabbing umbrellas and rain boots to take a stroll through this whimsical forest. After all, you're never too old, and it's never too rainy, to get out there and play.

The Lego forest will soon be on the move, to other to-be-disclosed locations throughout Australia.