The New Invention For Long-Distance Lovers

Fall asleep to the soothing sounds of your partner's heartbeat - even when they're not there.

Emma Joyce
Published on July 02, 2012

Twenty-four year-old interaction designer Joanna Montgomery, from the UK, has come up with a futuristic invention that is getting long-distance lovers very excited.

'Pillow Talk', which is being launched by Montgomery's company Little Riot, is an invention that lets you hear the real time heartbeat of your lover when you’re apart. Taken from Montgomery’s blog, the promotion video shows how each partner can wear a ring which transmits the soothing sounds of your lover’s heartbeat to your pillow, all through the wonders of wireless technology. The pillow lights up to show that your loved one is also lying down in bed.

From the company’s Facebook page, it’s certainly piqued the interest of those in military jobs, and couples who regularly work overseas. For the skeptics out there, yes, we did say real time - so we assume time zones may be a problem, as well as (dare we say it) any unexpected raised pulses.

Published on July 02, 2012 by Emma Joyce
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