Event Saint Lucia

Back to the Future Trivia

Great Scott!
Sarah Ward
October 10, 2016


On October 11, The Red Room and Man v Bear are going back... to one of the best films of the '80s, and best time travel films in general, that is. Put on your best puffy vest and self-lacing shoes, jump on your hoverboard and slide into their Back to the Future trivia night. And if you don't have a wheel-free floating skateboard, a Delorean will do.

It's enough to make you exclaim "Great Scott!", which is actually something you'll probably be doing once you're there. It's not just Doc Brown's go-to phrase — it can be yours, too. Get a question right? "Great Scott!". Surprised that another team has sped past you at 88 miles per hour? "Great Scott!". Can't remember which Jaws sequel is playing in BTTF's sequel? "Great Scott!" to that, too.

Basically, it's the quiz most of us have been in training for our entire lives, even if we didn't know it. And if you don't emerge victorious like Marty McFly, maybe you can slip back through the gull-winged doors and into another time? We've heard 1985, 1955, 2015  and 1855 are worth visiting.




Tue, Oct 11, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016



The Red Room

Saint Lucia


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