Event Arts & Entertainment

Before I Go to Sleep

Imagine Groundhog Day without any of the good bits.
Tom Glasson
October 20, 2014


Imagine the movie Groundhog Day, except that instead of augmenting his knowledge and skill base with each nightly reset, Bill Murray's memory simply resets with it and he spends every day like it was the first: scared, confused and trying to figure out what's going on. 

Not as interesting, right? Well, therein lies the critical flaw in Before I Go To Sleep, a new 'thriller' starring Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth and Mark Strong.

Kidman plays Christine, an amnesiac whose memory wipes itself clear every 24 hours, meaning with each new morning she must relearn who she is, what's happened to her and who that man lying next to her is — aka her husband, Ben (Firth).

Helping her attempt to break the cycle is neuropsychiatrist Dr Nash (Strong), who compels Christine to leave a video message to herself each night so that she can slowly build upon her own memories the following day. Slowly, the memories begin to linger beyond the nightly reset and with them come growing suspicions that neither man in her life is being completely honest about the source of her condition.

The film is based upon S.J. Watson's 2011 bestseller, but its slow-burn plot and predictable twists are far less forgiving on screen, where no amount of Kidman's trademark harrowed stares can engender the kind of tension it purports to have. The closest you come to frights in this film are courtesy of tactless incidental surprises like the sudden horn of a passing truck, and the lack of characters (with a suspects list of two) means the ultimate revelation is far from the scale a true climax deserves.  

Between the cast and the conceit, Before I Go To Sleep had the potential to explore some genuinely compelling ideas and offer a fresh spin on the Groundhog / Memento / Edge of Tomorrow premise, but instead it flounders in tawdry melodrama and leaves you largely unsatisfied.



Thursday, October 16, 2014 - Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thursday, October 16 - Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Various cinemas in Brisbane


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