Arts & Entertainment

boy girl wall

Make sure you destruct any other plans you have and see boy girl wall before the wall comes down on you.
By Emma Greenbury
September 13, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011 - Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thursday, September 15 - Sunday, September 25, 2011

La Boite Theatre

Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove

Don't you hate being the third wheel to a wall? This must be a never-ending predicament for boy girl wall, seeing as they had a sell-out season in April and are back for another spin this month for an eleven show encore.

boy girl wall is just that: a boy, a girl and a wall. Well, minus an actual girl, and an actual wall. Everything in this play is executed by the incredibly talented and flexible actor Lucas Stibbard who plays all roles: from the next-door neighbours Thom and Alethea, to magpies and days of the week. What seems incomprehensible and frankly just a little bit too far-fetched, is actually a winner on stage, and has delighted audiences with its simplicity, but also its depth. boy girl wall is the story of two neighbours living in West End, who are essentially convinced into falling in love by the wall that separates their apartments. Mix razor sharp wit and a matchmaking room divider and you have a recipe for a unique performance straight from the minds of The Escapists – a team of creatives who have taken theatre to the next level.

The only problem with boy girl wall is that it doesn't go for long enough! You become so entranced by the whimsical stage production that it almost seems like anything but a piece of chalk and an overhead projector are overdoing it. Make sure you destruct any other plans you have and see boy girl wall before the wall comes down on you.

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