If Christmas doesn't involve cheese and sparkling, is it really the happiest time of the year? No, no it isn't. And, if your combination of dairy products and effervescent wine doesn't involve three hours of the former and plenty of the latter, is it as joyful as it could be? No, it isn't again.
Thankfully, Cheese Therapy is delivering on both fronts at their Bubbles & Brie session. Like many things in life, it really is all there in the name.
For $59, every attendee will be able to munch away on their favourite cheese while the clock goes around not once, or twice, but three times. A tip: pace yourself. While you're flitting between separate brie stations (yes, that's a real thing), you can also enjoy four glasses of the bubbly stuff. Other drinks and food are available to purchase, should you need it — but who needs other edible morsels when there's cheese to devour?
Sat, Dec 9, 2017
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Baedeker111 Constance Street
Fortitude Valley