Clothes Swap

Work on your thrift game and join the hunt for a new come-up.
Molly Glassey
Published on April 15, 2013


Don’t you just hate it when you are eager to pop some tags, but lack the quintessential twenty dollars in your pocket? If only you could trade your grandad’s outdated, over-worn clothes for someone else’s grandad’s cool, and hip attire,  without having to indulge in the capital practise of legal tender. Well count yourself lucky, because on the 21st of  April Southside Tearoom will be providing such opportunity, without lowering themselves to the standards of a flea market.

Clothes swaps are more than a budget means of getting a trendy new outfit, but also ensure that your new look can be original and just a little bit startling.The thing about your trash, and other people’s trash, is it is coincidentally someone’s, or your treasure. You’ve worn that outfit all month, so trade it for a new outfit - you can finally be rich and original.

Starting from 5pm, Southside Tearoom will be ablaze with vintage lovers, fashionistas and bargains galore. So, do it - trade what you don’t need for something far more dashing.

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