Cross-Stitch: Invasion, Take 225

Rediscover your Australian identity at Metro Arts' latest two-night art party.
Molly Glassey
Published on February 25, 2013


Join Metro Arts as they attempt to re-write history, re-imagine culture and re-define our Australian identity in their latest Cross-Stitch event, Invasion, Take 225.

In true Metro Arts form, Artistic Director Lisa Fa'alafi and her team have whole heartedly invested their time and imagination to ensure this two-night party is nothing short of a riot.Through the rich combination of dance, video, performance and music, participants will join in a celebration and mock-media campaign to re-imagine the Australian culture. On arrival audiences will be handed a fresh passport to a New Australia, will join a campaign and in turned be forced to rethink what is means to be a 'true blue Aussie'.

Cross-Stitch: Invasion, Take 225 is not only a chance to witness the dramatic collaboration of various art forms, but also one to re-evaluate the stereotypical and often over-dramatised depiction of what it means to be Australian.

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