First World White Girls

A cultural immersion like no other. #mustsee #amazeballs #srsly
Molly Glassey
Published on July 21, 2014


Seriously, how bad is it when you go to Alfred and Constance and the bar tenders don’t know which drinks are and aren’t Paleo? Or when you leave your Jimmy Choos in your Uber ride? And how much do parents suck when they withhold your trust fund all because you got a little scratch on the Audi. Like, how will you pay for Bali now?

Being an upper class white girl isn’t all its cracked up to be, and #FirstWorldWhiteGirls is the hilarious, cultural expose that might as well be called Stuartholme the Musical. Delving into the trauma of being a white girl, this cabaret performance provides an insightful and frighteningly accurate portrayal of the shallow nastiness that comes with too much money, and not enough sense.

Drawing on their only privileged upbringings, and private school educations, these spoiled songstresses invite you laugh, vent and share in this crippling pain of the privileged. You can catch #FirstWorldWhiteGirls at The Judith Wright Centre, but you better grab tickets quick – there are a lot of rich girls with mummy’s credit card ready to get in before you.


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