Arts & Entertainment

Grid North

This snowy installation’s only at The Block for two weeks, so squeeze into your hiking boots, rug up warm and make the trek to QUT’s Cultural Precinct soon.
By Kirstie Sequitin
July 22, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011 - Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tuesday, July 26 - Saturday, August 13, 2011

QUT Creative Industries Precinct

Corner Kelvin Grove Road and Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove

At one point – if, only for a moment – we’ve all dreamt of something we’re not going to see while living in Brisbane: snow-capped summits, a wintery peak at our doorstep. Sure, we’ve got Mt. Glorious, but little G’s just a speck in comparison to our beautiful world’s mountainous bigwigs – you’ve got your Everests, your K2s, your Lhotses spanning from the Himalayas to the Karakoram. If we ever wanted to experience these summits we’d have to fork out the benjamins (on credit) and take off to Nepal or stretch your imagination to Mt. Doona in your living room. For somewhere that’s perfectly in between, go to Grid North – Boxcopy’s latest installation at The Block. Grid North utilizing the grid datum of the existing site at The Block, taking visitors on a mountainous trek without ever leaving Brisbane.

This snowy installation’s only at The Block for two weeks, so squeeze into your hiking boots, rug up warm and make the trek to QUT’s Cultural Precinct soon.

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