Event Brisbane

Happyfest 2015

Brisbane Live Music Week comes to a rapturous close.
Molly Glassey
March 23, 2015


You shouldn't really need an excuse to celebrate Australia's vibrant music scene, but it's nice to have one. The Haunt and 4ZZZ are bringing together local and national musicians to celebrate the last weekend of Brisbane Live Music Week with their annual, one-night music festival, Happyfest.

Since 2012, 4ZZZ's Happyfest has sported a collection of up-and-comers who've since gone on to conquer international music circuits — namely Blank Realm, Lost Animals, Kirin J Callinan and Bitch Prefect. This year they've snagged Sydney rockers The Friendsters, locals Kitchen's Floor, Bent, Clever, California Girls, Raus and Astral Skulls.

Happyfest kicks off at 7pm this Friday, with $10 entry for the general public and $7 for 4ZZZ members. Also, extra perk, The Caxton has $10 meals at their street cafe every Sunday, so get on down, grab a parmy and check out some ridgy-didge rock.



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