Hito Steyerl: Too Much World

The work of an artist who deeply understands the importance of Buzzfeed, cats and Buzzfeed articles on cats.
Molly Glassey
Published on December 16, 2014


Hito Steyerl is a leading figure in the critical articulation of how the internet, digital technologies and images are transforming life, work and politics. That is, she gets how Buzzfeed, cats and Buzzfeed articles on cats are manipulating the paces and practices of everyday people, and why it matters. The Institute of Modern Art is showcasing the first survey in Australia of this ground-breaking, Berlin-based artist, writer and filmmaker with the exhibition Too Much World.

Running from December 13 to March 22, this exhibition features six of Steyerl’s works from the past decade, including art film Liquidity Inc. Her other video installations will comprise self-reflective combinations of technologies and environments, with the masterful use of montage, art and documentary practice making these videos just as visually truthful as they are revealing.

Hito Steyerl is one of the most critically acclaimed artist working in the field of video and digital innovation today. Too Much World should not be missed.

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