Event Kelvin Grove

Hot, Steamy and Live

Give in to the passion and be swept away by the whirlwind romances that lie within the pages of these guilty pleasures.
Elizabeth Penrose
March 18, 2013


No matter how hard you try to fight it, everyone has a soft spot for Mills and Boon. So give in to the passion and be swept away by the whirlwind romances that lie within the pages of these guilty pleasures. Twenty year old Nicholas K. Watson isn't afraid of a little romance. For some time now he has been consumed by the desire to read aloud the tales of heartbreak and uncontrollable lust that only Mills and Boon novels can portray.

Join Nicholas once a month for his public reading at Room 60. Bring your friends, grab a drink and feel your heart flutter as you immerse yourself into a hot and steamy story. This will be a night of gushing and giggles!


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