Arts & Entertainment

Karaoke Thursdays at the Brunswick Hotel

A free karaoke night in New Farm.
By Laura Dawson
April 24, 2017
Thursday nights from 9pm
Brunswick Hotel

569 Brunswick Street, New Farm

Are you that person who's always singing along to the radio and secretly wishing you were Mariah Carey? Well, maybe it's time to find out what your vocal chords are made of by heading along to the Brunswick Hotel's Thursday night karaoke. Grab a few friends and head to this New Farm local early to grab a prime spot in the sports bar. Flag down the karaoke masters, make your request and wait your turn to flaunt your vibrato for all to hear. If you're truly stuck on which tune to choose, drag some friends up with you to take turns belting out verses from No Scrubs, or play it safe with basically anything by Queen.

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