Event Fortitude Valley

Lambda’s Second Birthday

In celebration of reaching their terrible twos, Lambda are throwing a party that’s apparently going to include lolcats, cake and balloons.
Tess Cameron
June 25, 2012


In the two years since Lambda first started catering every Thursday night for poor students with a penchant for raucous partying, the atmosphere hasn’t changed much. It’s still every week, the red cups full of cheap drinks are in high abundance, and Mitch Exton is still lurking around flirting. Although the original crowd of indie kids might have grown up and moved on, you can be damn sure there is a constant stream of 18 year olds ready to take their place armed with chinos, button up shirts, flower headbands and long socks.

In celebration of reaching their terrible twos, Lambda are throwing a party that’s apparently going to include lolcats, cake and balloons. Beyond that they’re being very mysterious in terms of what’s actually going to go down, but considering a regular Thursday night there involves excessive alcohol, slutty dancing and the high potential for kissing strangers, we can only imagine the excess that will occur on their birthday.


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