Luke Maninov Hammond: Beneath the Surface

Perhaps the only jewellery exhibition inspired by the brain's inner workings you'll ever see.
Sarah Ward
Published on July 24, 2017


Thanks to Brisbane's thriving art scene, feasting your peepers on creativity is as easy as picking a gallery and blocking out some perusing time. Indeed, at any given moment, there's no shortage of exhibitions vying for your attention; however only one features jewellery pieces inspired by the brain's inner workings.

Displaying at Artisan until August 19, Luke Maninov Hammond's Beneath the Surface turns the networks and connections firing away inside our heads into something metal and tangible. Using neuroscience as a jumping off point, he crafts delicate structures of ordered complexity, reminiscent of our grey matter, cellular machinery and marine life.

Given that Hammond is both a jeweller and a neuroscience imaging specialist, it's hardly surprising that he's combining his two areas of interest. What might surprise viewers is the gorgeous end result — you might never look at jewellery the same way again.


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