The tale of Medea, as based on Greek mythology and first turned into a play by Euripides back in 431 BC, tells of betrayal and retribution. A woman sacrifices everything for the man she loves, only to become a spurned wife seeking revenge against her cheating husband. Given all the emotions and anger flying around, a happy ending is out of the question.
Medea has been performed many, many times over the years, but you can still teach an old production new tricks, it seems. That's what acclaimed Australian playwright Suzie Miller has done, giving the story a bold and different interpretation.
Miller's vision tears down gender stereotypes and sees things through the eyes of the titular character. Together with director Todd MacDonald — who happens to be La Boite's artistic director, too — her take on Medea is dark, dramatic, tense and thrilling, contemplating a strong, strategic leader struggling to retain her position of power. You wouldn't have seen that 2500 years ago.
Saturday, May 30, 2015 - Saturday, June 20, 2015
Saturday, May 30 - Saturday, June 20, 2015
Roundhouse TheatreMusk Ave
Kelvin Grove