Arts & Entertainment

Mira Oosterweghel: Unstable Moments

Artist Mira Oosterweghel defies gravity. Or at least puts up a bit of a fight.
By Sarah Ward
April 21, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Saturday, May 9, 2015

Wednesday, April 22 - Saturday, May 9, 2015

Metro Arts

97 Boundary Street, West End

Gravity isn't just that Oscar-winning space film with George Clooney and Sandra Bullock that everyone was talking about back in 2012. It's also the force that keeps us anchored to the earth, and the one humanity is constantly trying to thwart.

Artist Mira Oosterweghel understands this, as her latest exhibition, Unstable Moments, shows. Once again exploring the relationship between the body and its surroundings, she uses performance, play, sculpture and installation to tap into our psychological desire to exceed our physical bounds.

The way people navigate sites and structures is her particular point of interest, as she puts to good use at Metro Arts. The gallery is more than just place to display her work, though it does that rather well, of course. The space is also a part of the presentation, as Oosterweghel engages with the architecture. How else can she create a situation steeped in our dreams of flying free, and in the reality of coming crashing back to earth?

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