Event West End

National Bookshop Day 2013

All around Australia, booksellers will be throwing up their arms in a day of celebration of all things written. Locally, Avid Reader is holding a 'twitterature' competition, for those who can best sum up a book in a twitter post. They'll also be hosting Instagram competitions, face-painting, blind date with a book and throwing around prizes like there's no tomorrow.
Molly Glassey
August 06, 2013


Books! Pretty much all known knowledge on pages, with words, in your hands. But do we ever really stop to wonder where books come from - if anywhere at all. Firstly, we need to establish, books don’t come from Kindles, and they don’t come from those freewheeling, hippy libraries. Books – the ones you can’t zoom in on, screenshot or charge - come from bookstores, and we owe bookstores that tribute we give to all things great in society today: their very own day.

The 11th of August is National Bookshop Day - the day to celebrate the preservation of human art, literature and text. All around Australia, booksellers will be throwing up their arms in a day of celebration of all things written. More locally, Avid Reader is holding a ‘twitterature’ competition, for those who can best sum up a book in a twitter post. They’ll also be hosting Instagram competitions, face-painting, blind date with a book, and throwing around prizes like there’s no tomorrow.

Venture out of the house and celebrate National Bookstore day - it only happens once a year and in supporting it you'll ensure bookstores exist for the rest of the year.


If you can't make it to Avid Reader, check to see if you are closer to one of our other favourite bookstores!


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