Event Eagle Farm


Go barking mad over Brisbane's new one-day dog market, which'll feature more than 50 stalls slinging pet-friendly wares, plus cute pooches available for adoption.
Sarah Ward
March 04, 2019


All dogs go to heaven, or so 80s animated movies have taught us. All Brisbane dogs and their pooch-loving owners can also go to the city's one-day canine-centric market, aka Paws-Fest — aka pupper heaven on earth.

A non-profit affair raising funds for RSPCA Queensland, this market will be filled with more pet fare than a furry woofer can shake its tail at. There'll be more than 50 stallholders slinging their wares, so your cute pooch won't go home with empty paws. Expect everything from treats to toys, plus food trucks serving snacks for humans, when the event takes over Eagle Farm's Paws & Relax from 9am–3pm on Sunday, March 17.

All two-legged attendees are invited to pay a gold coin on entry, and to bring their four-legged besties on leashes, too; however if you're a person in need of a pooch, the RSPCA will be on hand. We're not saying that this is the excuse you need to adopt a pupper, stock up on everything it needs, contribute to a very worthy cause and then start living your best dog-filled life – but we're not not saying that either.



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