Arts & Entertainment

Romantics Anonymous

Romantics Anonymous tells the story of Angélique, a gifted chocolate-maker whose incredible shyness prevents her from acknowledging her talents.
By Chloe Cooper
April 16, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012 - Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday, April 19 - Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dendy Cinema

Portside Wharf, Remora Road, Hamilton

Checking over this year’s French Film Festival guide I hovered over the description for Romantics Anonymous. When I read a quote stating that this film was like “Amelie meets Chocolat” my heart literally started beating a little faster. Two of the cutest and interesting romantic French/ French-esque films (which I’m completely a sucker for) - how could I refuse? Romantics Anonymous did not disappoint and now it’s back on the big screen for a short time only at Dendy Portside.

Romantics Anonymous tells the story of Angélique (Isabelle Carré), a gifted chocolate-maker whose incredible shyness prevents her from acknowledging her talents, and Jean-René (Benoît Poelvoorde), owner of a chocolate factory who also suffers from a similar case of overwhelming shyness which threatens to drown his company. When Jean-René hires Angelique to help save the business the two develop affections for each other but have a very strange way of showing it.

This film is incredibly cute and awkward with unexpected humour thrown into the mix. There is unusual romance and the film also looks into the lives of individuals whose irrational fear of life has reduced them to margins of functionality. Watching the pair overcome their crippling awkwardness to find love proves a delectable and sweet journey.

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