Sayonara Summer Sours

Cooler weather means sourer suds.
Sarah Ward
Published on February 22, 2016


If you watch American movies, you've probably been brought up thinking that the end of summer is a pretty big deal. Incessant sunshine gives way to milder weather, and carefree days become weeks and months of work and responsibility. Alas, that's rarely the case in Australia, particularly in Queensland. The temperature dips slightly, and… that's all, really.

Don't tell the folks at Brewski that, though. The Caxton Street bar is always keen on throwing together a celebration — and as February comes to a close, they've found an occasion that fits the bill.

To mark the change of season, the Petrie Terrace hangout is embracing the tart, sharp, sometimes bitter, sometimes biting, often fruity end of the beverage spectrum. Here, cooler climes means sourer suds, courtesy of six tipples that are certain to put a spring in your step. Mango-flavoured ale, a hybrid of beer and sake, or a brew made with sauerkraut, anyone?

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